
E-commerce Services

Online sellers face unique legal challenges due to the nature of their business, including trademark infringement, copyright issues, and navigating regulations for international sales. At BuzzLaw, we understand these challenges and offer tailored legal services to help protect your business and intellectual property.

E-commerce & Marketplace Services

Online sellers face unique legal challenges due to the nature of their business, including trademark infringement, copyright issues, and navigating regulations for international sales. At BuzzLaw, we understand these challenges and offer tailored legal services to help protect your business and intellectual property.

Intellectual Property Protection for E-commerce

E-commerce sellers must protect their intellectual property, including trademarks, patents, and copyrights, from infringement by competitors or counterfeiters. This requires monitoring and enforcement strategies to preserve the value of their brand and products.

Online Store Audits

If you have an Etsy, Amazon, or Shopify store, chances are you're familiar with the dreaded "DMCA Takedown" notices. Have an attorney review each one of your designs, providing color-coded feedback on the risk of infringement. If any items need to be updated, we'll be happy to review the new designs!

Copyright & Trademark Watch Service

For a monthly fee, BuzzLaw can monitor your intellectual property and alert you of new infringement.

Marketplace Compliance

Online sellers must comply with the policies and rules of the online marketplaces they sell on, such as Amazon, eBay, and Etsy. Failure to comply can result in account suspension or closure.

Amazon Brand Registry

The Amazon Brand Registry is a program designed to help brand owners protect their registered trademarks and control their product listings on Amazon. As an Amazon seller, registering your brand and trademarks with Amazon is essential to ensure brand integrity and avoid infringement issues.

Repeat Infringement Policies

Marketplaces are frequently updating their terms of service and intellectual property policies. Staying compliant with these terms is of utmost importance to online sellers who do not want to risk closure of their store due to policy violations.